Issue 1340

01 Jun 2020
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About this issue: Overview

Port in a tropical storm 
A Liverpool institution has been pioneering research into tropical diseases for more than a century. Now it’s applying its expertise to finding tests and treatment for Covid-19, both at home and in developing countries where health systems are under even greater pressure. By Ciara Leeming.
Those who can, do
As lockdown restrictions are eased across England, there’s cautious optimism that the pulling of pints could resume soon in the north’s pubs. Neil Tague reports.
Sofa so good for Joan
Joan As Police Woman gives Mia Bleach advice on how not to kill house plants, cracks up about being nude on the roof of her New York apartment and deconstructs the need to shift the vibe on cover tracks.
News from a Dorset care home, where the manager cannot get the coronavirus tests she needs, arts and entertainment, columnist Roger Ratcliffe ponders summer holidays, crossword, Sudoku and more.
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