About this issue: Overview
Children from Longsight Community Primary School in Manchester take over Big Issue North, this week, producing news and features for other young people to enjoy – and grown-ups as well.
They interview George Webster, the upbeat and inspiring children’s TV presenter, who tells them why having Down’s Syndrome does not stop him doing anything.
Patrick, a Manchester-based Big Issue North vendor, tells his year five interviewers what it’s like to sell the magazine and about his hopes for the future.
Pupils from as far afield as Somalia, Iraq, Nepal and Spain recount coming to the UKand explain what it means to them to have a home.
Horrid Henry author Francesca Simon reveals her plans for her next books – about Terrible Vikings.
Our what’s on and arts and entertainment sections are aimed specifically at young people.
And they’ve devised some mean puzzles for the back of the magazine.
Big Issue North is available to buy from vendors and selected stores across the North of England. Alternatively you can buy a digital copy here: