The video for Richard Lomax and The Tontine’s new single Hotel X has been released. The video, set in locations around Manchester, was shot by local independent filmmakers D&Dum Productionsand features the singer’s distinctive style and provocative lyrics: “And all the wine and the piss and dreams and the rain all run down the same drains.”
The Mancunian artist’s unusual voice and style gives the track a Pulp-like edge with suppressed hints of psychedelia. In the video Lomax’s deadpan delivery is combined with an elderly man’s exploration of Manchester. Eryl Lloyd Parry (of the Youtube Comment Reconstructions) plays the Fisherking/Don Quixote figure and pays homage to the city’s buildings. “The shoot gave me an opportunity to observe closely what a world class architectural city Manchester is,” he said. Locations from the video include the Turing statue and Archimedes in the tub at Manchester University. It is clear that Lomax was aiming to show some of the city’s beautiful hidden spots from a different point of view.
The artist confirms that the north will “feature heavily on the next album”, as it did on his debut Down There For Dancing.
Hotel X is available now on Soundcloud.
Joe Whitwell
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