Bytesized: Lego
Star Wars
Lego Star Wars: The Force Awakens (All formats) plus Carmageddon: Max Damage (PS4, Xbox One, PC)Kick Off Revival (PS4, PS VITA)
It’s been a few months since the last one, so that must mean it’s time for another new Lego game. This time it’s a return to the Star Wars series. The real draw of The Force Awakens will be the way the game expands on its single-movie source material with levels that fill in the blanks between the old films and the new ones. The cast even recorded new dialogue for these new scenes, including Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford.
From family fun to punkish splatter, as Carmageddon: Max Damage resurrects the once notorious 1990s racing game in which running people over is a way to score points and another 1990s title has also come back this week. Kick Off Revival is a new budget-priced version of the classic Commodore Amiga football game, where simple pixel players hoof the ball around a top-down pitch.
Find out more about what our reviewer Dan Whitehead thought of the games in this week’s Big Issue North
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