Music Q&A:
Moon Hooch

Michael Wilbur of the Brooklyn techno jazz outfit talks ahead of dates including Band on the Wall, Manchester,
14 Nov and Fruit, Hull, 15 Nov. New single Rough Sex is out now

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How have you evolved as musicians over the years?
A lot has changed in our lives over the past seven years. For one, we’ve naturally become better players and technicians on our instruments due to the sheer amount of intense practice and performing we’ve done. We’re all getting better at stepping aside and letting the music speak, rather than our tiny little egos. This is a very powerful experience and the more we grow and practice the easier this connection with the divine becomes.

What informs your music and songwriting?
These days I’m mostly inspired by my internal reality, my internal struggle. The outside world/civilisation is becoming less interesting to me. Of course there are some people who inspire me but it’s really when I close my eyes in a dark room that I’m flooded with insight.

What are you up to at the moment artistically?
I plan on spending the next few years in solitude whenever I’m not on the road. I’ve got a lot of solo music that I’d like to release and perform. You can check that stuff out on my Bandcamp: There’s a whole plethora of styles on there and I plan to expound a lot on all of them.

How do you stand out from the crowd in a saturated industry?
I think people are tired of hearing lazy and careless music. We live for this. I’ve got literally everything riding on this music thing. There are a lot of hobby bands out there that don’t take what they’re doing seriously and I think people can recognise what’s real and what’s BS.

Some say club culture is dying. What do you think?
I have never been one to go clubbing unless I’m performing and our shows are always popping off so for me it’s just getting started!

What’s on your rider?
Local vegetables, kombucha, IPAs, artisan bread.

Tell us your most embarrassing or surreal experience.
A few nights ago at our show in Nashville I had to run off stage in the middle of the set to vomit violently. Prior to the show I had challenged an Indian chef to make me the spiciest dish he can make. Going down it was incredible. I cried and sweated – just how I like it. Playing the show was another story. Blowing a horn with a stomach full of hot chilis and vegetable oil doesn’t feel too great. The weirdest thing was that the moment I walked off stage to purge myself our computer crashed and Ableton quit. I think the fact that something unexpected and intense happened upset something in the quantum field, or something.

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